Ayurveda highlights that infertility occurs when the ‘Shukra Dhatu’ does not get the needed nutrition. It happens due to the imbalanced lifestyle, poor digestion, or the toxins in the body which disturbs the reproductive system.
The Ayurvedic medicine for infertility will su...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS or PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), is a very common hormonal disorder in women. The news of conception and feeling of becoming a mother gives an unexplained contentment to every woman’s heart. It is an innate desire of every wo...
Psoriasis is a skin disorder, in which patient is disturbed with itching, scaling & irritation. There is no permanent cure in the any other systems of medicine, other than, The Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, until & unless, toxins are not removed from the body, psoriasis is not...
Losing weight is what (almost) everyone wants to look and feel good. However, even the most difficult programs may seem to work. So, try some of these wonderful herbs and get ready to make a great figure to have a beautifully shaped body again. Obesity is called Medroga in Ayurve...
Sex is an integral part of our life, an important constituent of daily routine as well as necessity. Sex power is believed to be the most precious treasure for men. It is a bond between a couple. But due to some dietary, lifestyle or some bad habits, it goes to a weak level which...
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Coppia disponibile per maschietti vogliosi, lei un vero vulcano che sa come soddisfare le vostre esigenze... a lui invece piace guardare o se voluto può anche partecipare....
Ospitiamo in provincia di Agrigento o possiamo raggiungervi dove preferite.
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Chi sono
Vanessa, italiana, 22 anni studio medicina…
Sono la tipica ragazza a cui non penseresti mai che potesse essere cosi birichina ?
La prima volta che ho scoperto questo mondo ne sono rimasta affascinata, mi piace, anzi, adoro sapere che hai fra le mani le mie piccole m...
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